And so you could construct all subsets, check that the weight is less than the weight of the knapsack, and then choose the subset with the maximum value.
In a way, there's a subset of questions that arises from those, to the effect that this is, of course, what we'll be taking up next time: the question "What is an author?"
Or a subset with the maximum value, there may be more than one, and you're done.
We've been talking about single cell or some subset of cells and propagating them so that you get a larger population of cells.
It's just like if you restrict me to only a subset of numbers, only the odd numbers, still there's an infinity of odd numbers.
Initially, last time, we considered a set of or a subset of arguments that basically said, "Look, there's got to be more to us than just material objects.
I bet there are people in this room who know the lyrics to over 1,000 songs, NBA know the number of every individual in the National Basketball Association, so I think that learning some subset of elements is not unreasonable.
And now we want to find the subset of a that has the maximum value, subject to the weight constraint.
It's this group of cells, this subset of cells from the developing embryo that become the embryo, that become the organism, become the human.
but rather, why is this tiny subset of mental life-- " why is this conscious?
Sickle cell anemia is a disease that affects a subset of the population.
But this antigen presenting cell is more likely a professional antigen presenting cell, or a subset of cells of your immune system that are specialized in ingesting foreign particles and displaying their contents to the rest of the immune system.
One of the results of that stimulation is that B-cells - a particular subset of B-cells - gets activated.
The humoral immune response involves antibody production and antibodies are made by a subset of cells called B-cells.
So, that's antigen presentation to this population of cells called cytotoxic T-cells, Tc, a subset of the class of T-cells in the immune system.
There's a subset.
Another subset of T-cells called T helper cells will recognize that signal by direct contact with it, and they will become activated and proliferate.
We did not yet have good methods for screening blood to look for HIV, we didn't have the ELISA technique that I--we talked about in section a few weeks ago and so there was a great concern that there might be other diseases that you'd be passing on from-- unknowingly from this subset of patients that you're isolating the vaccine from.