I then insist, okay, swap, and then I print out their values again.
Inside of swap itself, I'm printing out the values, if temporarily.
X That's just the special symbol in C that says don't pass X, that is don't pass a copy of X. Rather figure out where x is in memory, where he is in that frame and provide swap the numeric address in RAM of that value so that swap can go do anything it wants at that address.
And now the point just to tease apart, I can't erase that, let's fix, so now the one detail that's worth pointing out is * that this here the * in swap's prototype and the * here in swap's prototype do not mean go there.
I'm reminded of the confirmation screen here and that's not too bad, then we put in the card and we click confirm and then finally we see the swap Then finally literally nine steps later the ticket comes out of the machine and then, frankly, had to go through the process of where to put the ticket in the machines.