You don't have to say that having the very same soul is the key to being the very same person.
and work doesn't get you the same pay as going to university.
It's hard to answer questions and whatnot and you don't necessarily have access to the same tools unless you yourself go through the process of configuring your machine manually by following many long sequences of steps.
One bedroom wasn't good enough anymore, they wanted--you don't want the baby in the same room with you; you want to have two bedrooms.
It is not all that mysterious how we check out to see whether-- the same body has been around, even though you didn't do it.
When you go from here to going outside, to going to a much hotter room, your temperature stays the same and your body is able to control this on your own, you don't have to think about it.
Yeah, so maybe even among your roommates, maybe you don't need a contract because you can manage to achieve the same ends, by the fact that you're going to be interacting with the same person, over and over again during your time at Yale.
As long as you're dealing with state functions it doesn't matter to get at the same results here.
Well, you won't be surprised to hear it's the same solution. So let's look at that code.
You find that the graphs for the men and the women, the orange and the yellow lines look pretty much the same, so there don't appear to be any gender interactions until you get out here, and that's a pretty small segment of the population.
You need to know how to think about them in the same way we think about s and p orbitals, but for example, you don't yet need to know what all of the names are except for this 3 d z squared here.
t look the same to you, because your brain is correctly interpreting them as what once in a shadow, as sending, say a thousand photos per second into my eye.
You can't see the soul to see if it's the same one.
You say this isn't the same train as the train we pointed to 5 minutes ago.
All right, now just to get you used to the idea, in every class we're going to have I think the same two people, so Jude is the cameraman; why don't you all wave to Jude.
But according to the no branching rule, we can't yet conclude that I'm the same person as the person that was lecturing to you on Tuesday.