It's interesting,though,he does list the letters of Paul last, behind the other letters,rather than before them, as we have in our list. And then, we don't really start getting any kind of consistency with this until into the third and fourth and fifth and sixth centuries.
And,so,they proposed a deal, why don't you be king until you croak-- they didn't put it quite like that-- and then the Orleanists will take over with the red, white and blue flag?
We didn't even have income tax until 1913 when the Supreme Court allowed it, so it was zero, then it went up to 90%-- or actually it was 94% at the peak--and it came down to 15%.
It doesn't mean anything until you know how many shares are outstanding because if I own one thousand shares and then you look it up and find out how many shares are outstanding-- there are one thousand-- you say, hey I own the whole company.