Jamaica's ambassador to the OAS, Anthony Johnson, says countries may be tempted to erect trade barriers during tough economic times, but this is a mistake.
VOA: standard.2009.04.15
See, that's what you are tempted to conclude if you say, "I can never get away from preconceptions." All right?
Will not even philosophers, one might ask, given the possibility of absolute power ? be tempted to abuse their positions?
And do not be tempted to say, "Isn't it wonderful that the way nature works is that babies are cute?
But it's almost as if Milton were tempted now to make himself go even further back, to write a humble ode that he could place at the feet of the Creator, the Creator at the moment of the actual creation of the entire universe.
Those of you who don't believe in it have probably, at least, been tempted to believe in it.
You may be tempted at this point to just zone out Try not to.
Now, is there someone who can explain, those of you who are tempted by consent, can you explain why consent makes such a moral difference?
Wonderful question. Well what about when Eve is tempted by the serpent?
So the correct answer for titanium plus two Ar3d2 is going to be argon 3 d 2, whereas if we did not rearrange our order here 4s2 we might have been tempted to write as 4 s 2 so keep that in mind when you're doing the positive ions of corresponding atoms.
In all of these cases, you're tempted to say, "Well, gee. One of those must be form and the other must be content -in particular, obviously "plot" and "story" where "plot" is the constructedness of the text and the "story" is what the text is about.
We may be in a recession now; a lot of people are saying that, so I would be tempted to draw a new line here, somewhere around here, maybe December of 2007.
In your book, "Acts of Faith", you talk about how you were tempted by this moral extremist, Paff, just because you saw so few representatives of your own tradition, you didn't know how to incorporate it into, you thought you had to choose between your Americanism and your faith.
So it's easy to see why we might be tempted to say no mere machine could think or reason or have beliefs or desires.
I give it such a hard time each time I teach this class, that I'm often tempted to just drop it from the discussion altogether.
Now Spenser's hero in Book Two of the Faerie Queene is Sir Guyon, and Sir Guyon descends into Mammon's Cave - it's a Spenserian underworld - and it's in Mammon's Cave that he is tempted by the money god himself.
But to that extent, it's doing all these things and yet we're not tempted to say, are we, that the computer has a nonphysical part?
We noticed that sometimes we were tempted to locate the morality of an act in the consequences, in the results, in the state of the world that it brought about.
Now in a stoplight, it only has three, one is tempted to say, variables plainly differing from each other: red, yellow and green we have two ways of thinking about the red light.
Now again, at this point you're not going to be tempted by the mistake.
So don't be tempted--Moses later warns the Israelites -don't be tempted to say to yourselves , "My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me," or again, to say in Deuteronomy 9:4, "The Lord has enabled us to possess this land because of our virtues."