As Socrates puts it at one point, "The impure cannot attain the pure."
And we identify this work as Priestly because it deals with matters that were of special concern to and under the jurisdiction of priests: the sanctuary, its cultic rituals, the system of sacrifices, the distinction between the holy and the profane and the pure and the impure.
They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty,impure,profane versus academia, which is lofty,idealistic,sacred.
It is association with death and sexuality that renders one impure and disqualifies one from entering the holy sanctuary.
It simply means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
if an impure object comes in contact with a holy object, ; then the holy object is immediately defiled; it's immediately rendered impure.
Death and disease are consigned to the realm of these evil demons or these impure evil spirits, but they are siblings with the good gods.
In contrast to ritual impurity, moral impurity does arise from the commission of sins. Ritual impurity does not: you're never told not to become ritually impure, okay?
Burying the dead makes one ritually impure, but God commands proper care of the dead.
If an impure object--and you will see here these overlapping pairs, if you can imagine the lower pair sort of being plunked down on top of this pair, that will give you an idea of what we're trying to convey with this image.
Because the two are not identical despite massive amounts of scholarship that confuses this issue: thinks holy means pure, thinks common means impure, and it just doesn't: these are different binary oppositions. The two are not identical.
So Klawans notes in the article you read that the physical substances and states that are labeled impure and are therefore designated as antithetical to the realm of holiness are states that are associated with death on the one hand, and procreation on the other. Why should this be?
t The hatta't, the purification offering, doesn't rid a ritually impure person of their ritual impurity.