• We already talked about the Hittite vassal treaties as a model for the Israelite covenant, when we were talking about Exodus.


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  • You may view the land from a distance, but you shall not enter it the land that I am giving to the Israelite people.So what happened at Meribath-kadesh that made God so angry?


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  • And in important ways, the Israelite cult is strikingly similar, particularly in the sacrifices I've just described.


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  • Interestingly, unlike most ancient sanctuaries, the Israelite sanctuary did not contain a statue of the deity.


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  • But it's some sort of skin disease, flaking skin disease or other sorts of boils and skin states that seem to be associated, at least in the Israelite mind, with decomposition and death.


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  • He says the pagan idea, and I quote, "does not approach Israelite monotheism as it diminishes the number of its gods. The Israelite conception of God's unity entails His sovereign transcendence over all." That's the real issue.


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  • Now, the books of Joshua and Judges that open the Deuteronomistic history, these books recount or relate the story of the conquest of the land of Canaan by the Israelite tribes, and the early years of the settlement: that's in Judges.


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  • A system of rites, and we'll be looking at the Israelite cult later.


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  • The Israelite camp bears a certain degree of holiness.


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  • Because alongside the idealized portrayal of the Israelite conquest in the first half of the book of Joshua, alongside the call for the destruction of all Canaanites, we find interesting tales of alliances and incorporation of various Canaanite groups.


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  • The ritual cult of the Israelites may look like that of their neighbors but it functioned very differently; its purpose was drastically different from that of Israel's neighbors. The Israelites like their neighbors may have set up a king over themselves. But Israelite monarchy differed from Canaanite monarchy in significant ways because of their monotheism.


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  • the word "Jew" isn't something we can really historically use until about this time , so most of our period we're going to be talking about the ancient Israelites to become an Israelite, you simply joined the Israelite community, you lived an Israelite life, you died an Israelite death.


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  • Mount Zion is in Jerusalem, it's the Temple Mount today where the mosque now is. Today, we'll consider Levenson's analysis of the Sinai tradition as an entree into the Israelite concept of the Torah, and the covenant bond, its meaning and its implications.


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  • Very similar, parallel stories, and yet there are significant contrasts between the Mesopotamian story and its Israelite adaptation.


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  • So Israelite-Judean religion on the ground shared many cultic forms and practices and rituals with Canaanite and Ancient Near Eastern culture generally.


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  • The northern kingdom, which consisted of ten of the twelve Israelite tribes, and known confusingly as Israel, was destroyed in 722 by the Assyrians.


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  • You obeyed Israelite law and custom, you revered Israelite lore, you entered into the historical community of Israel by accepting that their fate and yours should be the same.


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  • So the purity that's required of a priest, who has access to the sanctuary proper, is higher than that of an Israelite, who has access to the outer courtyard only.


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  • But its directives are couched in the masculine singular. So it seems to be addressing Israelite males as the legal subjects in the community.


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  • Well, this reconstruction of the evolution of Israelite history, Israelite religion, excuse me, is really driven more by theological prejudice than it is by historical evidence.


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  • And it stems from an obvious projection of the Protestant- Catholic tension onto Israelite history.


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  • He decrees the murder of all newborn Israelite males at the hands of Egyptian midwives.


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  • Each of these phenomena he says is transformed by the basic Israelite idea of one supreme transcendent God whose will is absolute and all of these things relate to the direct word and will of God.


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  • So, which is it, which is part of the question that came from over here, You have on the one hand the claim that Israelite religion is essentially continuous with Ancient Near Eastern polytheism.


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