OK. In the length of time it takes for the light to get from that bulb to the table, this machine processes two operations.
We compared Los--we couldn't go back in a time machine and do questionnaire surveys in the 1880s, but we could do it in the 1980s.
Which is, and we're going to do some examples of this, initially we just typed in expressions Python into the interpreter; that is,directly into Python And as I suggested last time, the interpreter is actually a program inside of the machine that is basically following the rules we're describing here to deduce the value and print it up.
Last time, I invited you to think about life on the experience machine, where the scientists are busy stimulating your brain in such a way as to give you an exact replica, from the insides of what it would be like having identical experiences to the ones you would have if you were really doing-- well, whatever it is that's worth doing.