He would fall over the bridge onto the track right in the way of the trolley car.
You have control over that whereas you may not have control over the trolley car.
Your steering wheel works, so you can turn the trolley car, if you want to, onto the side track killing the one but sparing the five.
The trolley car is a runaway thing and you're making a split second choice.
This time you're not the driver of the trolley car, you're an onlooker.
How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track?
And down the track comes a trolley car, at the end of the track are five workers, the brakes don't work, the trolley car is about to careen into the five and kill them.
Well, I guess in the first case where you have the one worker and the five, it's a choice between those two and you have to make a certain choice and people are going to die because of the trolley car, not necessarily because of your direct actions.
Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car, and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour.
In a way, we're back to the questions we started with about trolley car and the organ transplant.