"When you keep talking about abomination and about the way the Bible looks at the issue of homosexuality, there are individuals out there who could turn those words into violence."
VOA: standard.2010.07.29
And the way that we'll do this is starting with talking about the discovery of the electron and the nucleus here.
But the only way you're ever going to get out of talking like a child is if you grow up like a child does.
We can think of it in the same type of way when we're talking about actual reactions happening.
But talk of the mind is just a way of talking about these abilities that the body has when it's functioning properly.
OK. So to do this, we need a little more abstract way of talking about efficiency, and so, the question is, how do we think about efficiency? Typically there's two things we want to measure.
But your way of talking I have absolutely no trouble hearing whatsoever, so you can all project and articulate the way that Evan did.
In other words, what is there--which is a kind of way of talking really has to do with what Gadamer means when he talks also about die Sache, the subject matter.
There is no way to talk about what he's talking about in the kinds of settlements that existed before the invention of the polis, and that I think is worth mentioning.
Black Boy We started this course talking about Black Boy - and the way that a whole world of pressure-- pushed on the borders of that work and actually changed its very material form.
And there's some amazing scenes in it where they shave the heads of horizontal collaborators, which is sort of a crude way of talking about French women who slept with German officers-- horizontal collaboration. And at the end of the movie, there was Maurice Chevalier.
James Henry Hammond starts writing in the forties and into the fifties and he takes it much further, and he writes over and over and over again that, said James Henry Hammond, is that too damn many northerners didn't understand it is the way of the world as it is, and they ought to stop talking about the world as it ought to be.
Well, a smile is just a way of talking about the ability of the body to do something.
Talk about the mind, says the physicalist, is just a way of talking about the body.
Talking about smiles, as we've noted before, is just a way of talking about either what the body can do or what a certain area of the body can do.
Similarly, then, according to the physicalist, talk of the mind, despite the fact that we have a noun there, is just a way of talking about the abilities of the body to do various things.
He can see that you could be a physicalist and say that the mind is dependent on the body, the mind is just a way of talking about what the body can do when it's working properly.
But minds are just a way of talking about the abilities of the body.
So I think, at least when there's the need to be careful-- maybe we don't normally have a need to be careful-- but when there's the need to be careful, we should say, talk of the mind is a way of talking about the P-functioning of the body.
Now as metonymy, the delays we have been talking about, -- the paratactic structure of the way in which the story is told-- all of those, and the elements of repetition, are forms that we recognize as metonymic, but there's something beyond that at the level of theme.
If the mind is just a way of talking about the body, how could I imagine the mind without the body?
Talk of smiles is just a way of talking about the ability of the body to smile, to form a smile.
Physical objects is just a way of talking about the ideas the mind has or something like that.
Talk about a smile is just a way of talking about the body's ability to smile.
What's really prior is the car itself and talking about car stages is a certain convenience a kind of way of chopping up the fundamental thing of the car.
So this Cartesian argument seems to show us that the mind is something separate from, distinct from, not reducible to, not just a way of talking about, my body.
The mind is just a way of talking about the fact that our body can think, can communicate, can plan, can deliberate, can be creative, can write poetry, can fall in love.
The point, though, is that from the physicalist perspective, the best thing to say is, talk about a mind is a way of talking about these various mental abilities of the body.