Thermodynamics is asking you, what work does this thing do on the surroundings or the surroundings do on the system?
If you have a quantity which is constant over any closed path, that quantity is a thermodynamics state function.
And they had this feeling because there had just been this huge boon of discovery, of scientific advances that included Newtonian mechanics, it included Dalton's atomic theory of matter, also thermodynamics and classical electromagnetism.
So he grabbed his thermometer, and went and made a couple of measurements and discovered the first law of thermodynamics.
So thermodynamics, based on these four laws now, requires an edifice, and it's a very mature science, and it requires that we define things carefully.
So now, now that we've got all three of the major laws of thermodynamics, what I want to start in on is a discussion of what happens spontaneously.
It's almost as important as the second law of thermodynamics, which you'll see in a week or so.
This is an abstract and powerful mathematical statement of the first law of thermodynamics.
And the cause of some thermodynamics have even been applied to economics, systems out of equilibrium, like big companies like Enron, you know, completely out of equilibrium, crash and burn.
And we can do that by going through and deriving What we'll call the fundamental equations of thermodynamics.
So, over the last few lectures we've worked and struggled so formulate the second and third laws of thermodynamics in addition to the first.
Fairly powerful statement, and that's another form of the first law of thermodynamics.
That's for a different lecture So, anyway, thermodynamics dates from the same period as getting fossil fuels out of the ground. It's universal.
and added a structure of math upon it, to build this edifice, which is a very solid edifice of thermodynamics as a science of equilibrium systems.
And this is just an incredibly important area that thermodynamics allows us to speak to.
in the last couple lectures at a really important topic in thermodynamics.
So, then we go to thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium, and this is really about chemical reactions -- weather a reaction will go, will it be spontaneous, if there an equilibrium, what direction will the reaction be shifted in.
There's a zeroth law The zeroth law every one of these laws basically defines the quantity in thermodynamics and then defines the concept.
It doesn't prove it, but it helps to getting more intuition about the consequences of thermodynamics.
So, dimensional analysis is extremely valuable in thermodynamics, and here is an example of it.
You'd learn about statistical mechanics, and how the atomistic concepts rationalize thermodynamics.
Now we can use it to derive differential relations for all of the thermodynamics quantities.
It's biological engines, right. Things that either produce or consume biological fuel to do different sorts of processes. Also, of course of key importance to understand what the, in that case, biological thermodynamics are.
PROFESSOR BAWENDI: Last time you talked about the first law of thermodynamics.
You can apply non-equilibrium thermodynamics to economics.
All right, so we're going to be doing more thermodynamics processes.
You're moving heat around When you're changing matter through thermodynamics.
If it's an equilibrium system, then thermodynamics can describe it.
Since then, since we know about atoms and molecules now, we can rationalize the concepts of thermodynamics using microscopic properties, 62 and if you are going to take 5.62, that's what you'd learn about.
People have done experiments through the ages, and they've accumulated the knowledge from these experiments, and they've synthesized these experiments into a few basic empirical rules, empirical laws, which are the laws of thermodynamics.