Still,doctors say it is possible that such events might cause symptoms of Parkinson's to appear earlier than they would have.
VOA: special.2009.04.07
Would they say that you're just glorifying suffering, you're just relishing in it and you don't want help these people?
The best things, as they say, "Best things in life are free" and it really is true that, you know,
All my officials say that they cannot get it.
VOA: special.2009.03.28
On the other hand, it doesn't seem so plausible, it doesn't seem intuitively right, to say that they're alive.
"A player who hasn't been playing for very long, I try to keep them next to the section player, or leader as we call it, that has been playing a while so they can always ask questions say, 'Hey,I don't know what that means.'" Matt is now in college, studying music education.
VOA: special.2010.06.21
It wasn't the fact that they were running that time and they say "Oops! We are over the speed limit!
Firefighters say they are making progress, but they warn that it might not be contained for another two week.
VOA: standard.2009.09.01
I won't say that they're thoughts and emotions or things, but what characterizes an instance here, it's the internal parameters that specify what is going on.
It was one way they say to show bankers that the writing is on the wall.
VOA: standard.2010.02.18
I don't know quite how Alex managed it but that's what they say, but the principle is established.
They are going to check my safety rig and if they say you can go off that bridge, I'll trust them that it's okay."
VOA: standard.2010.07.26
If he switched from gold to let's say iron, he also tried platinum, a number of different foils, he found that they count rate it still was 20 alpha particles per minute.
(SPEAKING) He goes on to say that with cotton, even if farmers do good work, they will not have anything to show for it.
VOA: standard.2010.03.08
Those areas that are most eager to get to the content say they may have difficulty in using it because it's not in their language or might not make sense within their culture.
It caused a huge fireball, they say,that instantly burned most of the people alive.
VOA: standard.2009.09.04
The story is explaining how these odd conditions of life came to be as they are, which is not to say that it's the ideal situation or even that it's God's will for humankind these are etiological fables, and they're best read as such.
They also say it is too costly and that most Americans oppose it.
VOA: standard.2010.03.23
They never kept all the gold for all the dollars that they issued so you could say it's still backed by gold. The really important thing is it's not convertible into gold.
Organizers of the events say they want the festivities to connect with ordinary people to show that it was people power, with the help of reform minded political leaders, that brought down the Wall and changed the course of history.
VOA: standard.2009.11.09
Talking--presenting the picture to the world that, 'Well look at this wonderful thing we did, we took out the trans fats and now you can eat as much of it as you want.' They don't say it but one could infer that from the advertisement.
Analysts say that even if the G20 leaders do not agree on all points, it is crucial that they send a message to the public and to jittery markets that they understand the gravity of the crisis and that they are committed to working together to try to resolve it.
VOA: standard.2009.04.02
She was noting that lawyers look at human rights law and they say "It's on paper. It's good. It's there."
"Well it seems to me if we train officers to do a particular thing and put them into situations where that training is required and then we see pictures of them doing what they have been trained to do, we cannot simply wash our hands of it at that point and say how awful it is,right?" "We have to share some of that responsibility.
VOA: standard.2009.04.21
When you get exposed to that particular antigen they say, 'I'm on, it's my time'.
"The court decides upon the evidences of the case and the law of the country, so at this time they may say, it just is a political case, but they saw that the court has got so evidence, more than 85 personal evidences, witnesses,and we present more than so this is not a political case but a pure,pure legal issue,".
VOA: standard.2009.12.23
Remember at the beginning, Dudley proposed a lottery, suppose that they had agreed to a lottery, then how many would then say it was all right?
The people who think it's okay have every right to say that they believe, if they really, sincerely believe it's okay, they are committed to an ethics of autonomy.
I think another thing about Brown is when they say that diversity matters, they really mean it.
They say it, so that we don't have to and we laugh our heads off.