As I say, it's a wonderful irony that this particular difficulty in reading is precisely what Gadamer calls being pulled up short.
You can say "this is where I am right now and this is what I'm going to do very, very soon."
The second thing I want to say is less about paper writing, and more about the trajectory of this course and what we're seeing in common between these novels.
And, following a test, a lot of people write in pencil: don't try to erase something and bring it back and say that, oh, actually, this is what I had because we look at that and go, this is perfect.
I worked on specifically, I looked at -and this is also the reason why it's difficult to say what is a just university, because we didn't just look at Princeton, we didn't just look at Ivy League Schools or at least private institutions.
What I'm trying to say to you is, we take this course really seriously.
But if we played this game up in let's say the Divinity School, I'm guessing that Travis' answer is reflecting what you guys are reasoning here.
And this is what linguists do for a living so if you hear me talking about this and say, "I want to spend the next forty years of my life studying that," you should become a linguist.
I want to say a little bit about the cost of vaccines because this is a part of what makes it difficult to accomplish what's usually our goal in a vaccine development, which is deliver the vaccine to every population in the world.
We could say that what I've been presupposing up to this point " is the "neutral container theory" of the value of life.
It'll say is this really what you ate, and if you ate it, then you say yes I ate this, and then it adds to the electronic log.
系统会问这是否确实是你吃的,如果确实是 就选择是,你的选择会被记入电子日志
I'm going to say, "Ah, this is just what the text means," but at the same time, I'll be finding ways, without realizing it, of affirming certain kinds of meaning and discrediting certain other kinds of meaning -all the while saying, "Oh, it's just meaning. I'm not doing that."
You say, this is what I feel strongly about.
And there is a relationship here, and that is that the number of photons absorbed by the metal are related to the number of electrons ejected from the metal. So, in this figure here what I'm actually showing is these little sunshines, which let's say are each one individual photon.
That, he says, has been our history and what it should say, what it doesn't quite say I think, is that it has been this history not because it is American but because it is a republic, because of its regime type, its regime character.
And what I am going to do is say start with this ion, add up the energy associated with the interactions between that ion and everybody else in the row and then multiply it by Avogadro's number, because that is the number of atoms there are in a row.
And it takes the set of stocks to simulate, a fig, figure number, this is going to print a bunch of graphs, and I want to say what graph it is, fig mo and whether or not I believe in big mo.
And when I do this test, what I want to do, is say I'm going to pick the middle spot, and depending on the test, if I know it's in the upper half, I'm going to set my start at the mid point and the end stays the same, if it's in the front half I'm going to keep the front the same and I'm going to change the endpoint.
But what I do want to say now is this.
And what we say when we talk about the delta energy is I E 2 that this is going to be equal to i e 2, or the second ionization energy, or we could say the negative of the binding energy of a 2 s electron in b plus.
The idea is that I feel this tremendous lust towards you, any of you, all of you, you three, and I'm ashamed of this lust so what I say is, "Hey. Are you guys looking at me in a sexual manner?
Notice that if you accept this account of what the body view should say about when death is, my death is when I cease to be alive.