Using the material you've learned in class, you'll be expected to answer some big questions for an 8-page final paper that you'll turn in at a date to be assigned.
that's given to married couples right now and it can be assigned to anybody.
But again, you are going to be required to go to the room that you've been assigned.
But,the turbo-prof will be somebody who is assigned to Reims, and who takes the train there every day, or to Tours; but to Lyon also since this is only two hours, this is four-hundred kilometers.
I've assigned a full two weeks to the Republic, which would be four lectures, but because I wanted to do some other things with the course as well, I had to cut the Republic by one lecture, and now I'm paying for that today.
The grades for the course will be assigned roughly, and I use the word roughly because we reserve the right to move these numbers around a little bit, but basically in the following percentages: 55% of your grade comes from the problem sets, the other 45% come from the quizzes.
The other thing I want to let you know is that instead of having a new problem-set that you'll be assigned this Friday, what we'll do instead is we'll give you some practice problems, and these will be just more of the same type of problems that you saw before but that's another chance to try them out more.
If everybody goes to the assigned place, there will be a seat for everybody.
You can also assign to a list, or to an element of a list. So ivy sub 1, f -15 or example, could be assigned minus 15, and that will actually mutate the list.