"The most important choice you make in going to college is who you choose to be yourself.
VOA: special.2009.12.03
And this poem seemed like one you might find and be able to read yourself, without me there to explain it.
And once you know how it sounds, making those sounds for yourself would be a lot easier to do.
"An incident like this obviously gives you the opportunity to pause and ask yourself, 'Are we doing everything we can and should be doing to address the range of issues that come out of an event like this,".
VOA: standard.2009.11.16
Literature is many things, a many-splendored thing," you say to yourself, "and it simply cannot be confined or trapped within a definition of that kind."
And this is line 679: Why should you be so cruel to yourself, And to those dainty limbs which nature lent For gentle usage and soft delicacy?
So your goal, Plato says, your goal should be, in life, to practice death-- to separate yourself from your body.
Now some of you may be wondering, and you'll find out this for yourself about how important it is to come to class.
Everyday remind yourself just once or twice to give yourself the permission to be human.
Leviticus 19:33-34: "When a stranger resides with you in your land, you shall not wrong him. The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as one of your citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I, the Lord, am your God."
You can do better, you can do it through response You've got to sort of disabuse yourself of the problems in response which is to be think of yourself as just a passive reciever.
Part of this reconstructing of national identity often has as much to do with who you're not, not absolute, not Catholic, not French as it does with you who imagine yourself to be.
When you do Sitting Meditations and Buddhism, this medical school teach, you have your eyes open a reminder, that first of all, you don't fall asleep but also to remind you that you are supposed to be engaging the world as you do it, rather than having your eyes closed and isolating yourself.
Because if you tell yourself that you are going to be ok, you are going to be fine.
And you could think to yourself 'That question is too broad, I need to be more specific.'
when you allow yourself to be present in situations and be surprised from them, you know.
Plato's judgment seems to be "you need to reform yourself " before you can think about reforming others."
They don't ask you to just be humble and throw yourself on the ground and consider yourself as nothing compared to the god,or the gods.
This is going to be a little bit of a stretch for imagination, but imagination yourself as a Roman general, and let's figure out what you're going to do.
And in between these two screaming creatures, one of you; one of them telling you to seek out your desires, " the other one telling you, "you should be ashamed of yourself," is you, is the ego.
You just kind of, have to get over yourself and be like, "All right.
So, that's very healthy to be social and to, you know, express yourself.
We're going to be taking away from lucky-- you think of yourself as randomly on any point of this.
So tell me a little bit about yourself, where you came from? How you arrived to be the first Muslim chaplain at Princeton University?
It does not take one to know one; to understand the truths about the French, you do not yourself need to be French.
What if you truly gave yourself the permission to be human?
So part of it is trying to give yourself some time And I think the other piece is that it can often be very small thing.
You can't be forced to accuse yourself, what we could call the Fifth Amendment.
It would actually be a nightmare, something you would long to free yourself from.
But it would be reckless, it seems to me, to just put them aside and not ask yourself the question, "Can there be something believable at the roof of this?"