When I try and evaluate that expression of greater than, is going to go into the class to say greater than is a comp method.
So I'm not gonna give it a lot of time today because I'm gonna go to class now and study and then have lunch.
And so I'm going to go back to this idea of a class, and let's build the first of these, and that is shown right here on this piece of your handout.
When you go to sign into the class you will get a copy of this.
I do try to start a few minutes late, but I also have to finish a few minutes early so you can go to your next class.
Your desire to come to class to study, to go out with friends, to read a book, to raise a family, to be--to do anything are priorities set by your emotions.
We'll loop back as we go through the class to questions about what's gone so horribly wrong, and more important, from a public health point of view, what can be done about it?
And before we go into some of the technicalities of the class such as the syllabus, I want to end with a story about Peter Drucker.