I showed you this in this picture here and those levels of control can be at the level of transcription.
They're sometimes called transcription factors and this is an example of a transcription factor that is itself activated or turned on by the presence of a steroid.
These kinds of molecules which activate genes, they're activating the process of transcription.
The most basic control is by controlling when transcription happens.
In this case the shape is - there's a cell body in the center here so this is where the nucleus is and where all the transcription, production of proteins take place here.
When transcription happens and it turns out that there's a whole biology associated with this, including molecules that are floating around inside your cells called transcription factors, and their job-- they are molecules that are about particular genes and what some of the sequences and are able to turn on those genes inside cells, to make them transcribe.
Transcription just means making a single stranded RNA copy of a sequence of base pairs in a DNA.
That information gets put into action through a process, a biological process called transcription, where particular regions of DNA are transcribed into RNA.
The end result of transcription is not double stranded DNA, it's single stranded RNA where the RNA that's produced is called messenger RNA.
The nucleus contains all the DNA, and so the early stages of gene expression, transcription, happened inside the nucleus where all the DNA is.
When we talk about gene expression than we're talking about this whole sequence of events I just described: transcription, RNA processing, translation to make the protein.
We talked very superficially about the biological process going from DNA to protein, so the process of transcription, RNA processing, and translation to produce a protein.
In this same way, this process of transcription which is occurring in cells throughout body all the time is made possible by a protein called RNA polymerase.
It's very important in the biological operation of human cells and that step is RNA splicing, or processing of this RNA, single stranded RNA that's produced by transcription.
There are molecules in cells that give the DNA the signal that it's time to transcribe and express a gene, those are called transcription factors, we'll talk about them a bit later.
Certain segments of DNA are being converted into RNA, and whereas in replication, you have to copy the whole genome, the whole - all of the chromosomes, all of the DNA contained in the chromosomes of the cell in order to completely replicate it; transcription only works on particular sequences of DNA.