So, electron promotion does not happen in terms of nitrogen, because it would not increased our number of unpaired electrons.
Orbitals of equivalent energy, we strive for unpaired electrons.
And again, we have the pairing of the unpaired electrons, and we have two orbitals coming together.
And the Hund Rule says try to go for unpaired electrons I will put one up here.
No matter what we do in terms of promotion, we're always going to have three unpaired electrons.
So, using our simple valence bond theory, what we would expect is that we want to pair up any unpaired electrons in methane with unpaired electrons from hydrogen and form bonds.
But what we see we have is that we only have two unpaired electrons here.
Essentially what you have is bonds resulting from the pairing of unpaired electrons.
Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electrons play a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
At the end of the day you have some unpaired electrons.
So now what we have is four unpaired electrons.
Three unpaired electrons in nitrogen.
H2 So the simplest case we can think of is with h 2 where we have two unpaired electrons, each in a 1 s orbital of a separate h atom.
if we move up one of our electrons into an empty p orbital, what were going to see is now we have three unpaired electrons that are ready for bonding.
You can see that we have two unpaired electrons in this molecule here one in the pi 2 p x star, and one in the pi 2 p y star orbital.
So if we take our carbon atom here, which has two electrons in the 2 s orbital, and we promote one of these electrons into a 2 p orbital, what we see now is that yes, we do, we have four unpaired electrons.
So if we still have an angle of a 109 . 5 degrees, and again, we still have four unpaired electrons available for bonding, we can make one of those bonds with another s p 3 hybridized carbon, so we're going to make up one pair here.
So the Hund's Rule is telling us to put the two electrons in separate orbitals unpaired as opposed to we should not put them in like this, like some librarian might want to fill nicely from left to right, up and down.