And the excerpt you're going to read is from his "Review of Verbal Behavior."
Skinner, in his book Verbal Behavior, talks about the question of why do we do things like talk to ourselves, imitate sounds, create art, give bad news to an enemy, fantasize about pleasant situations?
Well, there's a radical claim about the origin of language associated with the guy who we met when we talked about behaviorism who wrote A Review of Verbal Behavior, the linguist Noam Chomsky.
Some studies have, motivated by Chomsky's work in expressed sorry, motivated by Chomsky's critique of Skinner's Verbal Behavior, have asked even in -- "What if we just looked at children within the United States?
Finally, the other reading you're going to do section of the course is Chomsky's classic article, his "Review of Verbal Behavior."
A Review of B. F. Skinner Chomsky is one of the most prominent intellectuals alive.