They throw a lot of work at us, we have a lot of responsibility, it's all new.
There's a lot of words here, long words, pre-synaptic, post-synpatic, but pre, post, you get the idea. Caitlin?
我讲了一大堆生词 长词,突触前,突触后,但是前和后的意思你们明白吧,凯特琳
So I gave you a bunch of examples,right, where there are brains being transplanted into torsos of others.
There's a whole bunch of stuff at the top which is wrapping in an ugly way 'cause I've made my font so big.
Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells - Shattering and avalanching on the snow crust-- Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.
This is the best response of Player 1 to the best response of Player 2, to the best response of Player 1 to Player 2 producing half monopoly output and there are lots of brackets here.
The Essex stood half over the other prophet as if it were pleased to guard what it had finally brought down. The man didn't look so much like Haze lying on the ground on his face without his hat or suit on. A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head.
So, one of the bizarre side effects is some people with Ambien while sleeping go downstairs, open up their refrigerator and eat huge amounts of food.
You have whole bunch of other people that are also going abroad.
I'm doing a lot of words here, let me try and say this a little bit better.
We'll buy a lot of food.
Well, it turns out C, like a lot of languages, comes out of the box with a whole bunch of built-in variable types.
So you don't pick up a document that has a whole lot of Greek, or what looks like Greek to you and wonder "Where do I even begin?"
LS And what very often happens if you do an LS in your account, to list your files, there's a whole lot of stuff in here at the moment -- and I don't have it here - but what you'll often see -- I'll just fake this demo -- is a file called core.
You don't want to generate a lot of cells that just start killing every cell inside your body.
Here I just show tissues at two levels of magnification and when we think about tissues we're going to be interested in a couple of different characteristics.
Second thing we've got to worry about is, what's a basic step? All right, if I bury a whole lot of computation inside of something, I can say, wow, this program, you know, runs in one step. Unfortunately, that one step calls the Oracle at Delphi and gets an answer back. Maybe not quite what you want.