You also read an article by Milgrom where Milgrom talks about Priestly cultic imagery serving as a kind of theodicy.
so partially for selfish reasons, I want to go into some sort of social justice work,
Isn't, in other words such an unreflective attachment ? to one's own bound to result in injustice to others?
So what O'Connor does, is she presents a sense of the world imbued with structure and meaning, but a structure and meaning that looks essentially blank.
I don't think it's vicarious punishment. I call it literal punishment.
This is Comus, line 588 -- the Elder Brother. The brother says: Virtue may be assail'd but never hurt, Surpris'd by unjust force but not enthrall'd, Yea even that which mischief meant most harm Shall in the happy trial prove most glory.
So what this means is that this graph -this bar is significantly different from that one, this from that one, and this from that one, so they visually are different but they're also statistically different.
A lot of people believe that it's absolutely wrong, that it's anti-Christian.
It's a wonderfully compressed argument in which the Soul and the Heart make competing claims for Christianity and classical and literary wisdom.
Of course, with cities we typically find a whole association of cultural characteristics, which we deem civilization.
The ideal gas thermometer.
What's the psychology of moral feeling?"
After the long sway of Theocritus' and Virgil's pastorals, ; of course Christianity entered the scene,a new dispensation; and Christianity began to load this pastoral literary tradition with its own set of associations.
A theodicy of course is a response to the problem of evil.
These constitute two irreconcilable alternatives, two different callings, so to speak, and any attempt, I think, to reconcile or to synthesize these two can only lead to a deep injustice to each.
That's not vicarious. You're not substituting. It's literal.
So don't be tempted--Moses later warns the Israelites -don't be tempted to say to yourselves , "My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me," or again, to say in Deuteronomy 9:4, "The Lord has enabled us to possess this land because of our virtues."
And Abraham's reaction comes as something of a surprise. He objects to the plan, and he starts to argue with God. "Will you sweep away the innocent along with the guilty? Shall not the judge of all the earth justly?" That's in Genesis 18:23-25. The question is of course rhetorical.
It is the philosopher's reliance on his own reason that frees him from the dangerous authority of the state and safeguards the individual from complicity in the injustice and evils that seem to be a necessary part of political life.
The legal subject is the father; he has lost a child. So I have to suffer the literal punishment, as a father, I have to lose my child. Right?
But however that may be, Plato believes he has found in the formula of one man, one job, a certain foundation for political justice.
The rest of contemporary history, including all of the stormy events leading up to Milton's own beloved Puritan Revolution, in which Milton himself, of course, had participated -all of that has been at least at the literal level, at the explicit level, expunged from the poem.