So now we have a relationship between the ratios of these volumes that are reached during these adiabatic paths.
These two relations involving entropy are also useful because they'll let us see how entropy depends on volume and pressure.
I'm going to say, quite to the contrary, the positive charge is concentrated at the center in a tiny, tiny, tiny volume.
So the probability of having an electron at the nucleus in terms of probability per volume is very, very high.
So, now you have a single molecule, very large molecule, with not just two binding sites but with ten binding sites.
Not to harp on the mathematical features of this, but cubing, AX*X*X you know, if you're starting to do AX star, X star, X, every time you want to cube some value in a program, it just feels like this is going to get a little messy looking, if nothing else.
In other words, if we don't have to worry about entropy or volume equilibrium is achieved when energy is at a minimum.
On the other hand, temperature, volume and pressure are variables that are much easier in the lab to keep constant.
And we combine this with first law, which for the case of pressure volume changes we write as this.
But remember that we need to multiply it by the volume here, the volume of some sphere we've defined.
A cubic kilometer of seawater, go into the ocean and imagine a box .
The important point here is it's not just a probability, it's a density, so we know that it's a probability divided by volume.
OK, now what we'd like to do is be able to calculate any of these quantities in terms of temperature, pressure, volume properties.
It tells you what kind of molecule it is andgives you twovariables that are state variables You could have the volume and the temperature.
Because we did work at constant pressure, and so it's just volume difference times pressure.
And the equation of state, pressure versus volume at constant temperature, is going to have some form, let's just draw it in there like that.
So, all I want to do now is look at the derivatives of the free energies with respect to temperature and volume and pressure.
I don't need to tell you the volume here, because you've got enough information to calculate the volume.
OK, now, we're going to look at the internal energy, and we're going to pretend that it is explicitly a function of temperature and volume.
This is an example where the external pressure here is kept fixed as the volume changes, but it doesn't have to be kept fixed.
And this volume, temperature and pressure doesn't care how you got there. It is what it is.
We know how the volume and temperature vary with respect to each other at constant pressure.
V2 So, if one goes to two and V1 goes to V2, and it's constant temperature, just what we've specified there.
and final points, a relationship between the temperature and volume for the initial and final points.
Then the second derivative gives the change in entropy with respect to the variable that we're differentiating, with respect to which is either pressure or volume.
So this is still adiabatic. It's insulated, but now it's constant volume, OK.
It's now, all we have to do is say we're going to have heat at constant volume.
But it's allowed to say the internal energy is a function of temperature and volume.
dw=0 Well for constant volume, dw is equal to zero.
You just need a few macroscopic variables that are very familiar to you, like the pressure, the temperature, the volume, the number of moles of each component, the mass of the system.