What this equation merely says is that the present value of your remaining payments is always equal to the mortgage balance.
They subtract this from the purchase price of the house and then you've got the cash to go and buy another house.
Then the deal is that when you sell the house they subtract -you've got to pay this.
The mortgage payment was decided when you took out the mortgage, so that never changes; they than figure out what your mortgage balance is.
So, that's a funny property of conventional mortgages -that the mortgage balance declines very slowly at first and then it falls rapidly when it comes to maturity.
A peculiar property of this is that the mortgage balance falls slowly at first and then it gradually picks up; it's just a property of this formula.
Then to get the monthly payment, you take the square bracketed thing and you divide by the mortgage balance and that's the monthly payment; that's how it's calculated.
It's very important to understand that the mortgage balance is recomputed, according to this formula every month and they will send you a statement showing how your mortgage balance is falling.
根据这个公式 抵押贷款余额,每个月都要重新计算,理解这一点非常重要,他们会给你寄对账单,告诉你抵押贷款余额减少的情况
Then they deal with the households by having a local office and telling people what their balance is and calling them up if they're not paying and that sort of thing.
That's because, at the end, if- -suppose you're one month or two months away from the payoff of the mortgage, you don't have any balance left, so the interest that you're paying is -hardly any balance left--is very low and so you're payment is paying off principal, mostly.
At every point of time your mortgage balance is equal to your mortgage payment times that square bracketed thing, where T is the amount of time you have left.