You get a vaccine for chicken pox, it gets injected, and sometime later you're going to be protected against it.
And you know, my concern is getting the best mark, the best grade for myself,
When the date came, you would cut the coupon off and go to the bank and get your interest payment.
So you should have gotten two handouts as you came in, and if you didn't, please raise your hand and a TA will come to you and get you that second handout.
Close reading, the idea that you could take a text and do things with it--that the interpretation of a text wasn't just a matter of saying, "Oh, yes, it's about this and isn't it beautiful?"
Can we get the mike in there on the row you're on?
Then you take--you move it over here.
If you think back to New Haven in the 1950s or 1940s, or 1930s, a lot of the food, much more then is the case today, was grown locally and was sold in markets and so there might have been one person or one step that resided between you and your food.
若回顾上个世纪30到50年代的纽黑文,比起今天 很多的食物都是产于当地,然后拿到市场上去销售,你和你所吃的,食品之间可只隔着一个人或一道工序
You get a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree and then a Doctorate.
But with football, the idea is that you have to move.
Would it be just to torture the suspect to get the information or do you say no, there is a categorical moral duty of respect for individual rights?
And so if you sign a contract with the government for millions of dollars, you have guarantee to get your dollars back, plus whatever profits they allowed in the contract.
This is a game where you get a little plastic device, it's got 15 plastic numbers on it and one hole in this little plastic board and you can move those numbers up, down, left to right, and the goal is to take what's a random assortment of tiles and arrange them in numeric order and that's one of these little things you can play sort of absentmindedly.
But if you like, want to get that A, you have just like put in like, a lot of effort.
You get a master in theology, and you get certified in Islamic chaplaincy.
If you don't have a syllabus--are there any extras back there?
It even does wonders for Tolstoy when Tolstoy gets on So you get on Oprah's Book Club. Oprah asks for the proofs for your novel She takes them. She says, "This is great, but you know what?
The CDC can buy this from the manufacturer for a lower price, and when you hear about government organizations distributing vaccines to different parts of the world, they're buying at a reduced rate but it's still not inexpensive.
We have not yet perfected the art of entering and exiting this classroom yet, we're still working on that. Raise your hand if you need notes and we'll make sure we get those to you.
It's a little different if they buy-- suppose you own a hundred shares and they declare a 5% cash dividend,then you get $5.
So when you go into the exam a week from today, it'll all look really familiar, you'll be comfortable with the format and you can just dive right in and start answering the questions.
How do you ever get a hold of cash flow?
PROFESSOR: So, as you're getting your ping-pong balls -- do not throw them yet.
Some customers want to use your safe because safes are hard and expensive to get and some -and then you've got all this gold, so you might as well lend it out.
Anybody who doesn't have it please raise your hand and one of the teaching fellows will bring it to you.
But,like I say, you're welcome to bring other translations,other versions.
And like, you could probably sit back and get like Bs pretty easily.
This is exactly the sheet here, it's exactly what you'll get on exam day.
What you used to do is, every six months you'd pull out your bonds and you'd clip the coupons with a pair of scissors; you take them to a bank and they would give you cash for your coupons.