At my old age, I can spend my time" "When I was a young man, that's all I did.
I mean, there are lots of students in my year, students that I know that they are already pretty successful
If you do have it, the disease will always have onset by age 40, 50 or what have you.
So the ephebes were those boys who were between the age of maybe 16 or 17 and 20 or 22.
He says in The Bridge, he asks the bridge to lend a myth to God, and he suggests that this is something that every age must do because our names for God are always metaphors, poems, something imagined, acts of speech.
And so it's an understandable ploy on Milton's part that he needs to vilify Shakespeare by identifying that great poet, his older contemporary, with Comus.
Of course, because people my age are more free than people who are older in my country.
And she's saying "I don't look fine, I'm old, I'm not looking great. I'm really tired."
At the end of the week, At the end of the week, both mental and biological age decreased.
The older you are, the more--the higher you tend to score, maybe obviously, not--the longer you've been in the country the higher you tend to score.
The generations of students that are coming to University today have essentially grown up with the Internet. And some of them are the first generation Where the internet have been part of their life in their Formative years. For most of us, the people of my age, The internet came later.
It's not how well you can memorize facts: John in fact, I think both John and I are a little sensitive to memory tests, given our age, right John?
until you're old enough to go to like bars or whatever you want to do.
And then I want to work on an organic garden when I'm older though,
So hopefully, you can picture yourself at this age in a similar situation with an anonymous friend and think this is something, kind of observations maybe you can make as well.
And the more I looked and the older I grew, the more difficult it seemed to me to administer political affairs justly.
Because my mom, at my age, she already had three.
Maybe not this year anymore, he's kind of old.
it could be older audience.
At that point Yeats was--1894, Yeats is 29, and the two women were slightly younger.
Now I'm gray and august.
But since life expectancy in the Ancient World was much less than ours, you didn't have usually several generations in these households, because older people just died.
Contrast Yeats's old age and the freshness of his desire in this poem.
Our student age range from 22 to 62.
When he was about your age, when he was 17 or thereabouts, maybe slightly younger than many of you, he was sent by his father to do what you are doing.
When you got to be about the age of what you guys are here, Ephebate you might enter the ephebate; Ephebe you'd become an ephebe, and that just meant that you were past your sort of early secondary training and now you were being really in training to be a warrior and a citizen.