This is what Tynjanov says: In formalist historiography, the prime significance of major social factors is not at all discarded.
It's in that context that most of the observations we encounter in Russian formalism need to be understood.
Another illustration of the difficulty of translating all values, in this case, a certain idea of virtue, into utilitarian terms.
So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.
They reject that formalism as an impediment to language's access to the real, and to our access to the real through language.
Conservativism--deep organic forms of Conservativism is not antithetical to the Enlightenment, at least not entirely.
It's a little hard to know what to do with this gazebo. Does it, in fact, represent the nationalist movement that culminated, or one form of which culminated, in the Easter Rebellion?
This is not a wasteland of thought by any means, and the Russian formalists are an important part of what's going on.
The structural moment of concentration on the code for its own sake cannot be avoided, and literature necessarily breeds its own formalism.
In other words, of course the academicians and the Symbolists were obsessed with imagery, but that's not to say that a Russian formalist can't deal with imagery.
By the way, if we begin by talking about poetic and practical language, we're beginning where the Russian formalists began.
Iser We may or may not have the lecture on Iser, but on Tuesday we'll be getting into the varieties of formalism and first we'll take up the American New Criticism.
That is, I think, essentially the difference between what we have been talking about so far, even though there have been a variety of outlooks, and what we are talking about now.
Trotsky's Literature and Revolution is a brilliant book, an attack on many things and a defense of certain other things, but in particular and very painfully an attack on the formalists.
It comes from personal experience that raises a question at least about whether all values can be translated without loss into utilitarian terms.
Time's up. There is a little more to say, I think, and certainly the possible ways in which Russian formalism is subject to critique need quickly to be passed in review.
The newness that the Russian formalists are interested in is not just any newness.
That really is implicit in the Russian formalist viewpoint.
Those titles that Eikhenbaum keeps talking about -How Don Quixote was Made, How Gogol's Overcoat was Made- reflect the preoccupation of the Russian formalists with how literature is put together.
But times have changed and they were embarrassed to give the true grounds for their objection and so they translated their arguments into utilitarian terms.
It becomes, at certain moments in the evolution of forms according to the Russian formalists, the dominant.
The formalists are uniquely concerned, however, with the way in which literature is put together.
So they are still engaged in the hermeneutic enterprise in interpretation The formalists are really relatively indifferent to questions of meaning and to questions of interpretation.
Notice the importance -and we'll come back to it-- of the word "dominant": "the dominant" in the thinking of the Russian formalists and the struggle for dominance among species in a habitat.
There you would really think the formalists are on thin ice.
The first is obviously Marx against the backdrop of the first great Socialist Revolution which eventually resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when the Russian formalist movement was at its height.
The formalists don't want to keep that distinction for the reasons that I have been trying to develop.
Like the Russian formalists--and in a way like the New Critics -talking about their "academic" colleagues, Saussure is vexed by the messiness and lack of system in the study of linguistics.
But, you know, the formalists' own basic distinctions are dualistic, aren't they: the distinction between poetic and practical language, the distinction between plot and story, the distinction between rhythm and meter?
The word "defamiliarization" we will encounter soon when we take up the Russian Formalists.