So when you see the word "book" in ancient Greek or Latin, they didn't think of this. They thought of scrolls.
Yeah, yeah. So, basically in Classics, we read sort of great works in Greek and Latin and discuss them.
codexes the plural of this is,is either codexes sometimes, codices I mean,Latin,you'd use the old Latinized plural,codices.
Diplomacy is still in Latin until the end of the seventeenth century and then, as you know, it becomes French.
And nobody quibbles because nobody speaks Latin so it is neutral for everybody.
When I say "pigeon," I don't really seem to have any particular sense of an onomatopoetic word, but if I use the Latin, pipio, which means "to chirp," all of a sudden I say, "Oh, that's onomatopoetic."
pastor The word pastoral comes from the Latin pastor, which literally means "shepherd," and Milton knew perfectly well how artificial his use of the pastoral mode of poetry would seem as well as how out of fashion, how completely outdated, it would seem.
The word for king in Latin is rex.
That comes from the Latin word which sounds like apple, The word malum for evil is close to the Latin word for apple which if anybody knows... whatever.
Vacca is the, I'm sure there's a Latin scholar in here that will correct my pronunciation, but vacca is the Latin word for cow.
Percent" Means divided by 100 in Latin, so 100% is one.
ercent在拉丁语里就是除以100的意思,所以100 Percent就等于1
That use of the English word "family," Familia although it comes from the Latin, familia, means something totally different in Latin.
They might put up an official inscription in an Eastern city in Latin, but they'd almost always, if it was an official inscription, it would also be listed in Greek.
And the hippodrome, which becomes the circus in Latin-- that's just the Latin translation of hippodrome, because as you'll see, Romans started adopting a lot of these, which were originally Greek institutions, into their society also.
But legally the word client in Latin refers to the freed slaves of apaterfamilias.
So Romans didn't go around trying to get people in the East to speak Latin.
The word "revelation" is just the Latinized, English version of the Greek word apocalypse.
So the hippodrome is the circus in Latin.
He seems to have had some work as the state licenser, but also more importantly as the nation's Latin secretary, which means that he would compose and translate all of England's correspondence with the governments on the continent into and from Latin.
Milton is able in this speech to combine, I think, for the first time the two associations borne by that Latin word pastor.
Now, the Boyars, in the 1660s and the 1670s, some of them began to learn Latin and Polish.
Use these Latin prefixes.
By the same token--I still speak Latin--the sound image corresponding to it is "arbor."
The Latin word familia didn't mean that biological kin group.
It actually just means "written stuff," from the Latin.