If you ask what is today's lunar date, we will come up with a calendar of it. So, lunar dates.
- If someone-- you're-- one of you're predecessor didn't already submit it, do follow the directions at top left which says, add calendar so that we can augment the data set even further.
The first step in the process is when I was Deputy WHCF, that I put on the wall a big white board calendar.
I don't want to spend the whole weekend implementing just a little pop up calendar and frankly it probably would take at least that long to get something that's as interactive and dynamic as something like this that works across all browsers and so forth.
You'll find that those events as they get approved and start getting proposed by your classmates, they'll start appearing on the calendar as well in their respective categories.
That was closed up in a nice cabinet that the cabinet maker made for me.
We'd step back and look at the calendar and say are we living up to that, mandate to us to put the president to focus on these things.
It turns out there are hundreds of Google calendars floating around campus, for student groups, for departments, for special events and the like.
So this is our little Google calendar that we embed in the course's website, and this is the number of office hours we had just in the next couple of days alone.
And so if incidentally, you're a representative of a student group and the alike and your Google calendar is not -- in here, you can check just by flipping through the various-- we have over 200 calendars right now and you can search through them here.
You can search obviously by any of the fields up top by days ; of the week you want a class; days of the week you don't want a class; grad level or undergrad level, faculty scores that are 4.0 and higher, ; course overall scores that are 4.0 and higher; and a whole number of other features including synchronization with Google calendar.