The blood of sacrificial animals is assigned by God as a detergent, if you will, to cleanse the sanctuary of the impurities that are caused by the sinful deeds of the Israelites.
the clean energy industry which I think will be huge in the future. So, it will happen.
So if you're going to use it for this purpose, it's not going to be good by itself.
Isaiah in this passage is describing a crucial moment in his career, his career as a prophet: the moment in which his lips are cleansed and he is empowered -- divinely empowered -- to speak prophetically.
I'm sure they sold it in various forms, but one of the most popular was for this purpose.
Yet, they wanted to get clean and so what device they used was to take oil, typically olive oil, spread it on themselves, then get a scrapper, a metal scrapper, and scrap off the oil with it what was underneath the oil.