Now the treatises that Milton wrote on the rights of divorce in the 1640s are also extravagantly pro-marriage.
And some of you--this--for those of you who aren't seeing the screen, is the separation of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.
In 1716 and 1718 Alexis had taken his mother's side in the divorce and did not like the Latvian peasant second wife.
The treatises that he had written in favor of the right to divorce for reasons of incompatibility in the earlier 1640s had scandalized his contemporaries and had especially scandalized his Puritan contemporaries on the left.
They get divorces because the spouse complains that my husband or wife gambled away all of our money and that's bad, but they can't stop themselves.
I made a personal transition. That is I got a divorce.
Okay, in divorce struggles, okay.
Student: Yeah. So they may occur they're more likely to occur in societies that frown on divorce.
They make it very costly, socially costly, to divorce, so then they stay together for all kinds of reasons, not always such good ones.
What's interesting of course is that such relationships don't seem to have any greater chance of ending in divorce than people who marry for love.
Some of you--You might have different views about divorce.
A happy marriage for Milton was founded on a couple of like-minded opinions and values, - their ability to converse with one another -- and so this is why the notion of divorce for reasons of incompatibility is so important to Milton, because compatibility in marriage is the very essence of marriage.
The English Reformation, which begins with Henry VIII wanting to divorce and kill his various wives along the way, still had an awful lot to do with the resistance to the power of Rome and the power of the Catholic Church as an institution.
They could say I won't lower my prices if you don't lower your prices, and they could put this contract in with the pricy lawyer, who's taking a day off from the divorce court, and that would secure that they wouldn't lower prices on each other.