The first one is Dr. Marvin Chun who teaches the Introduction to Psychology course in the fall and is my competition.
Firms in perfect competition are price takers: they don't particularly have to worry about the actions of their competitors.
The risk for that is you basically start to compete with every single one of your customers.
Our competitors were using that to subsidize competing with us in the client market.
If you have a product and your competitor has a product and you put sugar in yours, people are going to like it better.
They start getting into the Mediterranean and that scares the hell out of their commercial rivals.
They ran against something that was regarded with much more hostility by the Greeks.
Shelly Kagan Since there's no competitor,and I've got the personality,I'm Shelly Kagan.
He was deeply ambitious to the cause of promoting psychoanalysis, to the cause of presenting his view and defending it, and he was often dishonest, extremely brutal to his friends, and terrible to his enemies.
You also saw firms that were monopolists and monopolists don't have any competitors to worry about, so that's not a particularly strategic situation.
And to make this more concrete, if a firm is competing against a competitor it can be pretty sure, that competitor is a pretty sophisticated game player and knows that the firm is itself.