R And we abbreviate that by calling it r, l by two quantum numbers, and an l as a function of little r, radius.
But it is called, it's short for the "Triangle below the Canal".
A few days ago--ten days ago PDCF and that's called the PDCF.
Erythropoietin, commonly called Epo and its function is to treat anemia because it stimulates blood cell production.
It's reasonable because it's meant TMP for temporary purposes just to call it temp or T-M-P for short, X and I can define temp as -- why don't I set it as equal to X, initially, because now that I've stored X in a separate chunk of memory, I can now change its value and then I can say Y gets, not X, but temp, and so now I've actually swapped these values.
if the employer can show what is called a "Bona Fide Occupational Qualification", a BFOQ.
It was launched in 1948 by The National Heart Institute, that later is now called The National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, the NHLBI.
I do a program called "BRYTE", which is Brown Refugee Youth Tutoring Enrichment,
These are insurance--or P&C--these are insurance companies that insure the value of a home or a business or an automobile.
The critical thing is the loan-to-value ratio, or LTV.
These are called REITs, Real Estate Investment Trusts.
There was another Henry Poor set up Poor's in 1916 on a similar model and they later merged with Standard Statistics to become Standard & Poor's, S&P.
The Salk Vaccine is also called the Killed Polio Vaccine, and some people call it KPV, also sometimes called Inactivated Polio Vaccine, IPV, but this is the vaccine I just talked about produced by Salk.
索尔克氏疫苗也叫灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,有人将其简称为KPV 有时也被称作,失活脊髓灰质炎疫苗,简称IPV,这个疫苗由索尔克研发,刚才讲过他
The most important DPP is called a limited partnership or LP.
Taq stands for thermos aquaticus, it's a marine micro-organism that lives near these hydrothermal events in the bottom of the sea and they live under very high temperatures and pressures all the time.