• So Jeremy would say, forget that, it looks pretty sound that we have an equity premium so we can trust that.


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  • For Jeremy Siegel, in the latest edition of his book, the equity premium is 4% a year since 1802.


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  • If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense; stocks go up in the long run.


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  • If we want to look going forward at the equity premium, we have to know how much--what's the politics?


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  • The overall conclusions are that, with respect to asset allocation, you want to create an equity-oriented diversified portfolio.


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  • We found an equity premium-- or actually Jeremy Siegel's book gave an equity premium of 4% a year.


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  • .. The equity premium is the-- 2.8% this short-term 2.8% is the riskless return, historically, for a period of almost 200 years.


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  • What I want to do, I want to talk about Jeremy Siegel's book and the equity premium puzzle.


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  • The take-aways are that an equity bias is an absolutely sensible underpinning for investors with long time horizons but that diversification is important.


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  • After I wrote the book, Morningstar did a much more comprehensive study of every single one of the equity categories that they follow.


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  • There were seventeen categories of equity mutual funds and they compared the dollar-weighted to the time-weighted returns.


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  • What we call this is the--I want to emphasize it, I'll write this again--the equity premium puzzle.


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  • Every one of them has a positive equity premium; although the U.S. is on the high side of them all, it's not the best.


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  • Let's not just look at the United States; let's look at every country of the world and let's see if they have an equity premium.


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  • He's really saying that this equity premium is enduring and we should believe it.


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  • Two tenets, an equity bias for portfolios with a long time horizon and diversification.


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  • He created just about the biggest private equity firm from scratch in 1985 and I guess they just went public and they have a huge market cap.


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  • The country that has the highest equity premium-- and that's for the whole twentieth century, they couldn't go back to 1802-- the most successful country is Sweden and after that Australia.


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  • Typically, we think of it as a stock option.


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  • First, in terms of equity bias.


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  • Over the past twenty years, we've generated 15.6% per annum return, but that headline number obviously has a lot to do with the equity orientationof the portfolio but doesn't describe the importance of the diversification.


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  • For the ten years ended June 30,2005, it returned 9.9% per year and then the average return for the actively managed equity fund was 9.6% per year, so we're back to that thirty basis points.


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  • So 90% of your portfolio is in domestic marketable securities and only 10% is invested in things like real estate or venture capital or private equity -hardly enough to make a difference in terms of the portfolios returns.


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  • When you look at each of those individual asset classes -domestic equities, foreign equities, bonds, real assets, absolute return and private equity -each of those individual asset classes is going to be relatively well-diversified in terms of exposures to individual positions or individual securities.


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  • Well,that's going to inflate the numbers too because the only managers that kind of raise their hand and say, hey I've got this interesting new approach to managing domestic equities--or whatever the asset class is -are the ones that have succeeded.


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