It is a condition for Hobbes of maximum insecurity where in his famous formula " "life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty,impure,profane versus academia, which is lofty,idealistic,sacred.
The dirty business of physical death never has to take place at all.
You find various kinds of disreputable and maybe unseemly things going on there.
He says,"provincials are like mold, burrowing in their little plots, or frogs at the bottom of their puddles, engaged in sordid, trivial rivalries, moved by petty jealousies, avarice and material interests.
And we identify this work as Priestly because it deals with matters that were of special concern to and under the jurisdiction of priests: the sanctuary, its cultic rituals, the system of sacrifices, the distinction between the holy and the profane and the pure and the impure.
It goes out to the outside world, interacts,gets its hand and mind dirty, does work outside and then applies its work and learns from "the dirty experiences" and brings it back to the lab and so on and so on in an upward spiral.