The Latter Prophets are poetic and oracular writings that bear the name of the prophet to whom the writings are ascribed.
You have the three major prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and then the twelve minor prophets, which in the Hebrew Bible get counted together as one book, because those twelve are very small.
Isaiah in this passage is describing a crucial moment in his career, his career as a prophet: the moment in which his lips are cleansed and he is empowered -- divinely empowered -- to speak prophetically.
Second thing we've got to worry about is, what's a basic step? All right, if I bury a whole lot of computation inside of something, I can say, wow, this program, you know, runs in one step. Unfortunately, that one step calls the Oracle at Delphi and gets an answer back. Maybe not quite what you want.
If you experience a lot of stress in high school and elementary school and were unhappy, generally the best predictor would say that you would feel the same way a month into your Harvard experience.
It tells us of the critical junctures in the nation's history, and that will help us then slot the different prophets in.
Another theme that we see in these books or feature of the Deuteronomistic School is the emphasis on what we call the Yahwist prophets prophets like Elijah and Elisha.
In alluding to the prophet Isaiah in the prelude, Milton suggested that the iniquity of his lips had to be purged off -- burned off, with the live coal supplied by one of the seraphim.