Right. I would say as I reflect back on my college experiences and those listening in the audience should know, I graduated from college 45 years ago.
This, to great extent, explains why so many people today 45% experience depression the 45% figure, nationwide on college campuses.
Let's say you have four questions, you have 50 minutes, take out five minutes to read the paper, so that's 45 minutes.
So, you can imagine in certain circumstances there would be guys that old back there, but fundamentally it's between 20 and 45.
But the second slice, strategies 45 through 67, getting rid of those strategies involves a little bit more.
It means we've got about 45,000 people involved creating software and perhaps most importantly we will invest the same amount of money the next 12 months that we did with the last 12.
Now, the naive guess may be 45, but it turns out the naive guess is actually correct.
现在,简单的猜测是 45°,但事实上这样的猜测是正确的
:45 He would typically get to his desk at about 6:45 every morning in the Oval Office.
The Clouds was written in 423 when Socrates was in his mid-forties and the Aristophanic Socrates is essentially what we call a natural philosopher.
If someone says the probability is .55 or .45, well you know what that means.
By the year 2025 the number of smokers worldwide is expected to increase by 45%.
They make up about 45% to 50% of the volume of blood is red cells.
He's been going on a quarter hour, and he's just hitting his stride. Franny, Zooey, Buddy, Bessie: they all try to speak directly to each other.
And I'm also like everybody else on emails; and I'll get your emails, panic emails at 3:10 in the morning and I'll reply at 4:45. So, it goes like that.
:45? We have until 2:45, 3:45?
I would've thought, given the evidence of what Bogdanovich says in that documentary, for instance, if the 4 to 5 minutes has not been cut, it might have been better than Citizen Kane, and maybe one of the few greatest movies that he ever made, maybe the greatest movie, who knows.