So if you're not in this 77%, let's quickly go over why, in fact, this is the correct answer, . 9 times 10 to the negative 18 joules.
7% 77% is class average and the standard deviation was 17% so you can see where things lie. 50% is a pass.
We now have 77% getting the correct answer, for a very similar question , we only had about 30-something percent on Friday.
At the top of the list is Niger, with 77% of males, 93.6% of females, we see the population, in terms of Gender, 86% of the adult population is illiterate.
You take your room temperature liquid helium and you cool it with liquid nitrogen to 77 degrees Kelvin, the new, you're not quite there yet 77k unfortunately right? Then you take hydrogen you cool it would liquid nitrogen to 77, then you can use your hydrogen gas.
7 We have a class average of about 77%.