Non-profit corporations will also have a board of directors but they will not have any shareholders.
One of the most important issues then is to elect a board of directors.
Prior to joining the chaplaincy program, I did a lot of activism work in specific Islamic institutions served board of directors, chairs, and presidencies.
If you ever serve on a board of directors-- this is the thing that I want you to remember because many of you will serve on boards of directors.
What they're saying is that of course lots of things that a board of directors decides to do are not irrelevant; it's highly relevant to the future of the company.
The state law probably requires that a corporation have a board of directors, but it's also something that can be defined at the time that you create the corporation in the bylaws.
The typical example of dilution is: the board of directors has hired a CEO for the company and they want to motivate the CEO.