I quoted the other day Wallace Stevens saying that poetry should "make the visible a little hard to see."
and push myself a little bit further than I went the day before and try to get in shape.
And I'm holding meetings twice a day with the engineers and pushing them to move faster and come up with better quality search services.
I had a napping for a very pushy phone call from a very pushy TFA recruiter on the deadline day-- I would not apply.
I of course picked the wrong day to wear a sweatshirt under really hot lights so thankfully I came prepared with another item from the-- from the store.
I announced on the first day of class that I don't, myself, believe in the existence of a soul.
There was a huge art installation that I walked into on that day of class.
How many of you-- I was walking with a student over to my office after lecture the other day to get some material to him.
I could say "this must be a great day for you" or "you must be a lot of--under a lot of stress or you must want something."
That is a description of what I did on the first day.
It makes me feel really good and I have a lot of more energy for the rest of the day.
I remember one day, in the school there was a square.
Sure. I used to read when I was a student every day.
I got that done in about a day.
It's been drawn out and spatialized. It's as if it's been spatialized into a scene of a beautiful summer's day, and we're left contemplating not the punishment of evil but - I don't know, one of the things we're left contemplating is the sheer beauty of Homeric poetry.
Right. So when I encountered Dorothy Day, I had no illusion of wanting to be her, I only wanted to be a part of that energy.