It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
Until you're a proficient reader of a language, writing in our language is a fool's errand.
The hawk says he is a fool who tries to match his strength with the stronger.
I am told that it plays on a slang phrase then current, "to make a gazebo of yourself," meaning"to make a spectacle of yourself and a fool of yourself, publicly."
Right? I could—This So if I could be up here making a fool of myself on a daily basis you guys are much younger than I and known for outrageous behaviors.
that's somewhat much closer to the Russians, and close to Dostoyevsky, in terms of being a holy fool.
And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their side of the question."
The person to ask is a magician, somebody whose profession it is to fool people and make it look like they can do things with magic.
When you were a baby you were a multilingual fool.
He says that he is a fool; I'm sorry, he tells this fable of the hawk and the nightingale, which illustrates really the doctrine of might over right.
She speaks from the point of view of a cracked or shattered mind in the tradition of a Shakespearian fool.
A holy fool?
There's an angler fish at the bottom of the ocean that has a rod sticking up from the top of its head with a lure to capture other fish to fool them in thinking that this is something edible and then to themselves be devoured.