Here, this destruction brings forth a new order, a new form of life that Yeats calls "terrible beauty."
And he has a theory about early life and perfectly appropriate as far as one can tell of what pre-human form he studied.
It looks like a leaf. It is nature in its aesthetic form as imitation of itself, life as an imitation of life.
We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic but it's actually a very important form of learning because imagine life without it.
You have to form some kind of balance in your life and not let anyone demand a hundred hours a week of your time If they do, you should sell the stock they give as soon as you can and diversify.
He is imagining a literary form that is soaked in the stuff of social life.
Nabokov When we moved on to Nabokov, we had an author trying to imagine a work of art so autonomous from the world that it could be something like an autonomous form of life.