Now my guess is that only a fraction of you are really doing that.
Come and claim it afterwards, but you're all entitled to whatever a ninth, whatever that fraction of five dollars is.
Give enough of the vaccine so you have a dose for everybody in the world, or a large fraction of the people.
Those of you who know other languages might have in your heads 200,000 words or 300,000 words and you're accessing them in a fraction of a second.
You can see that residential investment, as a fraction of GDP, has been very variable through history of the United States since World War II and that it's had a strong relationship with recessions.
If you heard the sentence " "John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a fraction of a second you would think that it means " "John thinks that Bill likes Bill."
So for instance, immediately you read "The pig is eager to eat" versus "The pig is easy to eat" and in a fraction of a second you know there's an important difference.
So, when you hear a sentence like, " "John thinks that Bill likes him," in a fraction of a second you realize that this means that John thinks that Bill likes John.
The idea really took root--the idea, the intuitive idea is that as you write a large number of policies, the fraction that will result in accidents becomes closer and closer to the probability of one accident.