All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that "princedom by the sea" in my tortured past.
Humans suffered as a consequence from nutritional deficiencies in almost all parts of the world because there weren't complete diets.
I want to discuss the consequence of rationality in playing games, slightly philosophical for a few minutes.
Without question he's the most terrifying of all of the mourners, and he gives an angry, powerful, vitriolic speech about the terrible state of England - the terrible state of the Church of England and, as a consequence, of the terrible state of England in 1637.
It stands in a relation of opposition to other regime types and as a consequence the possibility of conflict of tension and war is built in to the very structure of politics.
As a consequence, the diary measures have their own sets of flaws that we'll talk about in a minute.
As a consequence, there's a lot of variability and error in these dietary measurements.
This idea that humans have evolved, that physical changes have occurred in humans as a consequence of their food environment, has led us to where we are now.
As a consequence, he and other researchers then started looking into the lifestyles of people in these various countries to see what might help explain these differences in heart disease.
As a consequence, and of course there's stuff on them and in them that changes the calories.
The biodiversity has shrunk for various reasons of profitability and as a consequence of that things like corn crops, and the orange crops in Florida are particularly susceptible to certain environmental conditions, certain pests, and certain types of blight.