It's a law of nature.
So an arbitrary taking of property would be a violation of the law of nature and would be illegitimate.
And so the next thing you do is you call up a journal and say I've discovered a fundamental law of nature.
They are unregulated by law; they are unregulated by authority. The state of nature is simply a kind of condition of maximum insecurity, an unregulated market with no common laws or rules to sustain it.
And the reason is that even in the state of nature, there is a kind of law.
So, what starts out as a seemingly benign state of nature where everyone is free and yet where there is a law and the law respects people's rights, and those rights are so powerful that they're unalienable.
And not only can you punish with death people who come after you seeking to take your life, you can also punish a thief who tries to steal your goods because that also counts as aggression against the law of nature.