That Joseph, a Semitic foreigner, could be elevated to an important post, the post of governor, is a little less surprising, if we suppose there was a Semitic regime.
Santa Monica is maybe a little less populated than LA
For most of you on your homework assignments, I'm hoping it's a little less than that, but not much less than that.
And, he worked for a little less than 10 years at McGill where he did more work on these particles that radiate from radioactive elements.
That's a little less popular now, but.
The "is it okay" question pattern is something that you can use to make your speech a little less formal.
is it okay”问句能够让你说的话不过于正式。
Does it make sense to think we could do this in less than linear time? You know, it takes a little bit of thinking. What would it mean do I see a hand way at the back, yes please? Thank you.
Well, they still do massively, although a little bit less than they used to.
So it's these little differences that you'll very quickly acclimate to but it's these stupid little syntactic details that trips off, especially those less comfortable early on because if you leave out a single character, namely that semicolon on the right hand side, nothing will work.
When you start laughing at somebody you think of them as less of a person and we'll get to that a little bit more when we talk about laughter.
On the y axis here it's the percent of people with these two conditions who have cardiovascular disease--or stroke rather 5%--less than 5% and a little over 5% with the stroke as the outcome.
I want to play this one with the piano a little bit and I ask you the name of the composer of this piece-- it's a bit less well known but maybe not-- what it's called and when in the history of music it was written.
It's only a slight variation that makes it a little bit more polite. A little bit less approaching.
It's a little bit less clean than, I guess, the rest of the city.
it's more indirect, more polite and a little bit less abrasive perhaps.
So, this will be a little bit more like a seminar to start with, and a little bit less like a lecture in class.