A typical problem that you may have done in your first pass at Newton's law, someone tells you a force of 36 Newtons is acting on a mass of whatever, 4 kilograms; what's the acceleration?
在你们第一次接触牛顿定律时,可能见过这么一道典型题目,告诉你,一个 36 牛的力,作用在一个物体上,4 千克吧,问加速度是多少
in order to be able to distribute it on a mass scale. You needed a company of, with a lot of capital,
We have a table of the elements with properties varying periodically with atomic mass, so we compress all of that information and refer to it as the Periodic Table.
I mean they take up a teeny bit but essentially when we're thinking about the set up of the atom, we don't have to account for them as using up a lot of the mass we're discussing.
And so we know the force for a particular mass, and we know the area of the piston.
Likewise for mass, we will take a chunk of some material and we will call it a kilogram.
质量也是这样,我们找来一大块材料,然后称它为 1 千克
Some people would say, Well, there's still a part of our church, there's still a part of our Mass, there's still a part of our synagogue, we don't have to hire someone who doesn't agree with our principles.
The cells of this cluster inside next to the fluid filled cavity is a region of the blastocyst called the inner cell mass.
First is the body mass index, you're going to see this a lot and you--some of you probably know about it already because it's out there in the popular literature.
Well, a mass is a genre of music.
It has picture of Osama bin Laden, a mass murderer driven by political cause?
She is a sort of mass of flesh.
Furthermore, the electron has a very tiny mass in comparison to that of the overall atom.
Mendeleev is the one who taught us that the properties of the elements are a function of the atomic mass.
If we think of the size of a typical atom, we would say that would be about 10 to the negative 10 meters. So, we can see the diameter of a nucleus is absolutely smaller really concentrating that mass into a very small space.
The Requiem mass is a particular kind of mass.