You've got a picture of somebody's face, it's a million pixels. Each pixel has a range of values from zero to 256. I want to hash a face with some function into an integer.
In it, there's modern art from a range of different artists.
So, somewhere in between, the bonds are, we have a range of bonds between ionic on the one hand, and perfectly covalent on the other hand.
We will debate equality and inequality, affirmative action, free speech versus hate speech, same-sex marriage, military conscription, a range of practical questions.
And there's a range of important cultural reasons for this.
Understanding there is a range of Muslim students, there's not like one-brand-fits-all, what would be some of the things you could imagine and are encountering in your role as a Muslim chaplain?
They capture a range of ethnicities, different parts of the world, different national origins.
Aristotle's political science presupposes in other words a certain conception of human beings as linguistic animals who are capable not only of living together -so do a range of other species -but rather sharing in the arrangements of rule.
Now the word "first" begins to take on a much bigger range of significances than we might at first think.
So now, for example, there are a whole range, just a whole rainbow of fluorescent proteins that can be used.
In terms of diversification, there are half a dozen asset classes with weights that range between 4% and 28%.
It's an example of a very common tool that's going to be really useful to us, not just for doing search, but for doing a whole range of problems. That is, in essence, the template the describes a log style algorithm.
And he's been able to get access to a whole range of Hamlet performances, including some of them that aren't even English.
It turns out to be-- there's a fairly complicated balance between the time of flight and the range.
He had Russian and English tutors that came in succession; he had drawing masters and so on, to cover the range of education thought to be appropriate to a young man of his station.
In other words, the sacrificial cult was primarily a vehicle for worshipers' expression of a wide range of emotions: joy over the birth of a child, thankfulness for a good harvest and so on.