I just showed you that you can have a single wave, a double, a triple and so on.
or you can get a triple-triple, which is three meat patties and three slices of cheese.
So this unique temperature and unique pressure defines a triple point everywhere, and that's a great reference point.
Let's re-draw this, so it looks a little bit neater, where we have a triple bond in the middle instead, and again, we need our negative 1 charge there.
Both melody and bass could have had a triplet but he chose to have the duple in the bass--the triple up above.
We see three bonding pairs so this is a triple bond, indeed a multiple bond.
They're not showing them keeling over from a triple bypass surgery, let's say.
So let's take the case of acetylene where we have two carbon atoms that are going to be triple bonded to each other, each are bonded to a carbon and then to one hydrogen.
So, for example, down here I wrote that it was n 2 and that it was h 2, but when I re-wrote the molecules up here, you saw that it's an h h single bond where it's a nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond.
And then we have a triple bond there because we have 3 pairs of electrons.
A lot of what we were doing today is very straightforward, the idea of duple versus triple meter, but most modulations we don't usually hear.
And if you hear a triple, your step is this: down-up-up, down-up-up, down-up-up, down-up-up.
Occasionally, you get things written in triple meter and in a minor key--minor key.
That is a good solid triple bond.
This is very easy molecule because we know exactly where to put them without even having to think, we only have one option, and we'll make a triple bond between the carbon and the nitrogen.
So, in general what we see, and this is always true if we're comparing the same atom, and in general, if we're comparing different types of molecules, but we know that a single bond is always weaker than a double bond, which is weaker than a triple bond.
So it looks a lot less messy if we just draw our Lewis structure like this for h c n, where we have h bonded to c triple bonded to n, and then a lone pair on the nitrogen there.
Okay? So those are the basic note values normally with a duple division but we can superimpose triple by using a dot and the absence of sound.
So now let's think about a triple bond.
Of course, it's in minor and the voices will come in, but the bass is going, sort of plodding along in a basic duple but with a triple subdivision underneath of that.
Let's do a triple meter one. Here we go.
That's why we hear a triple pattern here.
N 2 So any chemist should be able to just look at n 2 and know that it's a triple bond, but that's not something that we've learned how did to do yet, so let's go ahead and start a new topic that's going to allow us to have some sort of sense of what the valence electron configuration, which includes whether something's a single or double or a triple bond can be figured out for any given molecule.
sigma That is one pi orbital. There is one sigma, one pi and there is a second pi, and that is how we are getting the triple bond.
And something that we'll see later on is that triple bonds, for example, are going to be stronger than a corresponding double bond or a corresponding single bond.