To be a political animal means first to possess speech or reason that allows us to participate in a community or a way of life governed by shared standards of justice and injustice.
I feel like for most of the people here, it's just like a way of life.
Perhaps only those of you who might come from a small town in the south or from certain areas of Brooklyn would understand something about the supreme value of piety as a way of life.
As you will see, it is a way in which you represent a variety of things about your own life.
I can't dispose of my life or my liberty or my property in a way that violates my rights.
In some way it's not actually a realization of a full life.
You have to choose. Well, critics took it fairly straightforwardly as the account of a life and in that sense, taking it that way, some of them were a little disappointed with what they held in their hands.
This ambivalence that was part of his personal life, the way he lived, would be a constant theme in subsequent Russian and still, in many ways, is today.
Now, I've been saying kind things about Western civilization, but I would not want to deny that there is a dark side to the western experience and its way of life.
And so here in Exodus, we find that just as the nation of Israel is coming into existence, just as the Israelites are making the transition from a nomadic existence to a more settled way of life ultimately in their own land, there seems to be a collective memory of a similar change in her religion.
So in this 40-minute interval we've gone sort of through an emotional musical journey here from despair, despondency, uncertainty, to whatever- to personal triumph, and in a way that mirrors some of the things that were going on in Beethoven's life.
I think a lot of people, who in their own journey have found their way, healing from, from life.
We could draw yet another picture of a different way a life could come to an end.
Sociologically unlike the philosopher is a person of some inherited wealth chiefly landed property but whose way of life will be urban.
Citizens are those who share a common way of life.
When he says that his way of life has been private, he means that he has pursued a policy of, let's call it "the principled abstinence " from public life."