The subject of The Reason of Church Government is Milton's feelings about the hierarchical structure of the Church of the England.
Because it will allow you to express strong feelings about not liking something or not wanting something.
I don't think people vary about the feelings of I do something for you and then you don't you don't do something for me.
And I think they have different feelings about people of different backgrounds by just meeting professor himself, by learning about themselves and learning about their classmates.
I want to say something about morality and about mixed feelings that people have about finance.
Could you tell us your feelings about the 9/11 incident?
And the answer is the moral feelings we're talking about are feelings like empathy and caring.
This is all by means of review but the question you can now ask is, "Fine. That's why moral feelings might evolve, but what do we know as psychologists about the emergence in nature of moral feelings in individuals?
I'm going to talk about moral feelings, moral judgments, and then moral action with particular focus on why good people do bad things, which will lead us to review and discuss the Milgram study, which was presented in the movie on Monday.
But I want to deal now with a couple of interesting case studies about moral feelings from a psychological point of view.
I don't think people vary in their feelings about baby killing.
Any questions at this point about moral feelings?